Thursday, April 1, 2010

Some more news about the fields

One thing I forgot about in the last post about the database fields was the institution_code. This should be set by the AAMHC and should be a unique code (probably 3 letters) for each institution they deal with. This can be added to any information passed to the AAMHC just so they know what data is coming from who.

I have also done a proforma Excel file and a proforma XML file for museums to contribute data. These should be easy to automatically import into the AAMHC database. The XML proforma includes the format for sending images and videos. We will have to work out some system for the ARGUS users to send images as well.

Example of XML proforma:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cmsdata xmlns:aamhc="">

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cmsimage xmlns:aamhc="">

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