I've been thinking recently that it might be a good idea to implement a more regular system of keeping in touch and updating each other on the status of project tasks -- something like a check-in / status update. Towards that end, I would like to start doing a monthly email where each of the project partners is given a chance to report on the status of things on their end. Just so we're in better touch with each other, on a more regular basis, since we've all been busy this spring, and a bit more out of touch than I would like.
I'm hoping to also post some of those more informal updates here on the project blog, so that it becomes a resource that we can refer to later. I encourage you all to subscribe to be notified of blog updates -- I've been starting to update it more frequently, with interesting info both about our project, and similar projects underway at other institutions. You can enter your email where it says "Subscribe via email" at the top left of the page.
To kick off the conversation, the following is a list of tasks that are still in process, and I'd love folks to chime in where they have something to include.
Current tasks:
- catalog data transfer to Robin (should be finished already, or near to finished)
- DMNS photography/digitization -- how are things going on that, Chip?
- working towards the catalog launch -- Robin, what remains to be done, and can any of us help? And Jim, is there anything you need on your end?
- catalog evaluation -- I'll be starting to finalize the questions and instructions for Jim and the team at Zuni for running the focus groups. I'm also STILL working with UCLA's IRB to get the human subjects paperwork all taken care of.
Thanks for staying in touch, everyone! Hope you all are well.